Thursday, December 11, 2008

Exam with FEs

That's RAITian graffiti for you baby! :D

A small crowd of SEs surrounded by an ever growing crowd of FEs.

Just in front of the main staircase… inside Glass Doors.

Math-1 exam. KT. Honestly, I was ashamed.

Took my hall-ticket… stood there talking with my batch-mates… waiting for them college authorities to pin up that goddamn seating arrangement at the eleventh hour.

Here and there I see some of the FEs who I know by face sneaking a curious glance at us. And we are grinning among ourselves. Yelling our hearts out from the inside. Can anything get worse than this?!

Erm… no.

We were supposed to sit with our juniors. We did.

Had never seen such a sincere class before! C’mon now… it’s Math exam and though I don’t copy, I’m used to seeing the whole class doing it.

I mean, Three Fourths of my class in FE copied during our first ever exam.

But these angelic freshers are content with their question papers and their answer booklets. They are content with holding their head in hand when they are clueless. They consider it a gravest sin to snigger when Hon. Supervisor mispronounces the words ‘Roll Number’.

RAITian rowdiness, anyone?

And yeah, neither did them FEs wanted to leave their comfortable benches anytime soon.

I vividly remember our ecstatic faces when we had left the class an hour early in FE. Hardly 2-3 students had remained sitting till the very end.

But that’s history now.

RAIT’s latest batch loves writing pads, wooden seats, shiny plastic calculators, math questions and that fresh smell of holy revered question paper.

Note: What’s my college coming to? Strict attendance rules, pathetic washrooms and seemingly unreal sincerity towards exams?!

In a way it’s good that RAIT will see good academic achievements in the years to come. But that should NOT (I say, should NOT) overshadow this rebellious spirit we’ve got.

What was done by a certain group to try and bully the management into giving them the Council was wrong. But the act needed guts. I doubt whether any other college in Mumbai will tolerate such behavior from its students.

We RAITians are known to make our presence and importance known!

What we need is sincerity, dedication and devotion towards everything related to our college. Not just studies, mind you.

But yeah, studies should be (I say, SHOULD be) included. :P

In all, the experience was enlightening. It taught me to detest and loathe KTs even more.
Come to think of it, I aint sure whether I still love KT Holmes any more… :P
(But her eyes.. *drools*)



Anonymous said...

FEs are trying not to feel like writing a blog like this next yr,okay?
n yeah,after some more time and orientation from "DEAR" SENIORS,We WILL show the RAIT spirit,I'm sure.
n the last joke,was BuSh...

Aditi said...

cool one...tho i'm tryin not to take it literally!!!! i'll surely get into my elder sis role ow ;-)
but a thoroughly njoyable one nevertheless....keep writing!

Sanjeev said...

I'm contented by the honest declaration of detest & loathing generated..:)